Do you find it hard to stay motivated as a blogger?
I’ve been blogging for years now and my biggest challenge is staying consistently motivated. I have periods where I feel productive and passionate and it’s easy to get stuff done. But then at the drop of a hat, I can lose all motivation and it can be really hard to get that back.
Over the years, I have learned some tricks to both keeping myself motivated and re-motivating myself if needed.
I want to share those tips with you today! I know that as a blogger, the motivation isn’t always there. But if you’re trying to turn your blog into a business, waiting for motivation to strike isn’t always possible.
Here are 4 ways to stay motivated as a blogger!
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1. Write down your ‘why’ and reference it often
If you’ve ever heard a business guru or blogger talk about finding your ‘why’, there is a good reason.
The most likely way to set yourself up for success is the find your WHY. Why are you a blogger? Why is this the path you have chosen for yourself?
Are you doing it to be able to work for yourself? Or to have a more flexible schedule? Do you want to create some extra income for your family? Retire your spouse? Be able to travel the world? Teach your skills to others?
Be honest with yourself about your why (it’s totally okay to be selfish here). I started blogging because I wanted to be able to work for myself, have financial freedom, and be able to travel the world. That is my ‘why’.
Of course I want to provide value for my audience, and that is the goal of every piece of content I create (if you don’t care about providing value, blogging isn’t for you!) But I started this whole thing because I wanted to live a life that I love waking up to.
So figure out your ‘why’. Write it down and keep it somewhere that you can look at it often. Monthly, or weekly, or even daily, remind yourself of it. It will keep you going.
2. Stay motivated by staying inspired
One of the best ways to stay motivated as a blogger is to find inspiration. Inspiration fuels us.
Find ways to seek out inspiration. This might look like inspiration in terms of your ‘why’. If your ‘why’ is to travel the world, then seeing how others have used their blogging businesses to travel the world might inspire you!
This might also come in the form of content inspiration. What is working well for other bloggers or content creators? What types of content do you personally enjoy that you would like to try? Remember not to copy other creators’ work, but it’s totally okay to use it as inspiration.
Finding new things and new ideas is an important part of growing our businesses, and it can keep you in the right mindset to stay motivated.
You can find inspiration in all kinds of places- social media, Pinterest, looking the profiles and content of others in your niche. Even just looking at the world around you can inspire you.
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3. Regroup often
The longer we are trudging along as bloggers, doing the same tasks over and over, it can start to feel a bit… stale. It can also lead to boredom or burnout which are true motivation drainers.
To fix this, make sure to regroup often. What does this mean?
This means that every so often, you take some time to refocus your priorities, remind yourself what it is you’re doing, what your goals are, and how you’re going to get there.
Doing this can kind of breathe some fresh air into your business.
Sometimes our goals and plans can kind of fade to the background after a while, so doing this brings them to the forefront which then brings motivation along with it!
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4. Have a dream board
This is quite possibly my favorite (and most effective) way to keep myself motivated as a blogger- and I think you’re going to love it.
Spoiler: you’re about to start spending 15 minutes a day being an absolute dreamer!
Here’s how it works: Get on Pinterest and create a board. This can be a private board and can even be on a personal account rather than your business account if you want it to be!
Name it something that encapsulates what the board is, which is basically what your life would be like if you achieved all of your blogging goals.
I started a board like this back when I started a blog and called it ‘If I were a full time blogger’.
Now fill this board with things that represent your dream life- the life you can (and will) have when you achieve your blogging goals.
Mine is filled with things like travel photos, dream home designs, family farms, first class plane seats, stay at home mom things, and so much more. Pretty much any photo I saw that made me say ‘I want my life to be like that someday’, I repinned to this board.
Here is a peek at mine!

Spend time every day repinning to this board, or even just looking at what you’ve already pinned.
Every time I find myself with a lack of motivation, I pull up this board to remind myself what I’m working toward, and 98% of the time, it does the trick!
This post was short and sweet, but I hope it gave you some new ideas for how to stay motivated as a blogger!
Anytime you run your own business, finding and keeping motivation is tricky, but not impossible!
How do you stay motivated in your business? Did I miss anything? Let me know down in the comments!
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