It’s a new year! And so of course, I’m reflecting on the past year like so many people are. 2021 wasn’t a particularly horrible year for me, but I definitely wouldn’t consider it as one of my best years either. And honestly, as I look back at the past 12 months, a lot of it…
Cozy Mind
9 Mental Health Reminders You Probably Need to Hear
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like life is crazy and chaotic and out of control and when that happens, it’s really hard for me to separate and organize the thoughts in my head. The truth starts to get drowned out by the chaos and worry and overwhelmingness of life and I…
75 Healthy Habits for Mind & Body
If you’re here reading this blog, I’d guess that you have an interest in personal development and wellbeing. While sometimes it can seem like there’s some big magic secret to finding happiness, the truth is much simpler. The ‘secret’ to happiness and health is not a big grand gesture, but rather it’s a bunch of…
How to Handle an Anxiety Attack + How to Prevent Them in the Future
If you suffer from anxiety or depression, you’re probably no stranger to the occasional (or frequent) anxiety attack. While they’re absolutely no fun in the moment, there are many ways we can help ourselves through them and prevent them from happening in the future. We don’t have to just ‘deal’ with these attacks when they…
Productivity Tips You Need to Try Today
I’m going to be honest with you guys, I really struggle with productivity. Like, being productive is probably in the list of ‘Top 10 Things I Wish I Was Better At’. It seems like the more I have on my plate, the harder it is to be productive and get things done. I know I’m…
Why You’re Unmotivated + What To Do About It
Ahh, motivation. Seems like it’s there one day and you’re setting goals and getting stuff done and then poof! It’s gone. Just like that, you’re left with a long to-do list and absolutely no desire to do anything. You’re officially unmotivated. This lack of motivation can last a while. It may be just a day, or…
Nighttime Routine Habits that You Need to Adopt
How many nights have you laid in bed, tossing and turning, completely unable to fall asleep? If you’re anything like me, these nights come along faaarrrrr too often. One of the most effective things we can do to allow ourselves better sleep is to develop a nighttime routine. Doing this helps us get in the habit of…
How to Recover from a Bad Day
Today I had a bad day. Like real bad. Like, I wanna crawl in a hole and not come out for a long time bad. It got me thinking about how important it is to know how to handle bad days when they come our way. After all, none of us are immune to the…
Self-Care Ideas for Busy People
Self-care is one of those things that everyone knows they should be doing, but not many people actually add to their schedules. There’s a huge list of reasons that so many people (including me) don’t include self-care into our routines. One of the biggest reasons is that self-care seems like this daunting task that takes loads of…
7 Bad Habits to Break Now
How often do you take the time to reflect on your habits? If you’re anything like me- probably not very often. That’s why it’s sometimes hard to see when our everyday habits are affecting us negatively. Here on this blog, I focus on self-care, mental health, and personal development. I couldn’t do those things without…