2024 is here and it’s the time when everyone is setting goals for the year ahead.
Gyms will be filling up for the next month, grocery stores will probably be out of stock on produce and lean meats, because everyone likes to set goals of being healthier for the new year.
And while there is nothing wrong with setting goals like ‘workout more’ or ‘eat healthier’ (those are great goals), there are actually a lot more goals that you can set if your goal is to have a healthy 2024.
Here are 5 ideas for goals to set for a healthy 2024.
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1. Take better care of your skin
Now is the time to take care of your skin. The older we get, the less elastic and repairable our skin becomes, so there is no time like the present to get started.
Developing a daily skin care routine, making sure to moisturize plenty, wearing sunscreen (even if it’s cloudy), and drinking plenty of water are a few ways you can take better care of your skin.
Skincare can be daunting if you aren’t used to doing it. If you’re just starting a skin care routine, I recommend starting with two things:
- Using sunscreen daily, no matter what.
- Using a good moisturizer daily.
If you’re looking for a good facial moisturizer, here is my favorite. It is perfect for even extremely dry skin like mine.
If you’re looking for skincare products that are eco-friendly and ocean-safe, I love the brand One Ocean Beauty. You can view their products here.
2. Prioritize better sleep
Sleep has a huuuuuge impact on our health, both physically and mentally.
If your sleep habits aren’t the best right now, then setting a goal of getting better sleep might be perfect for you! A healthy 2024 starts with you being well-rested.
There are several things you can do to help yourself get better sleep, like keeping a consistent bedtime routine, avoiding caffeine several hours before bedtime, making sure your bedroom is cozy & calming, and getting all your stressful thoughts out before bed through an activity like journaling.
Let’s make 2024 the year we get better sleep!
3. Learn to listen to your body & trust your intuition
The healthiest people know that our bodies talk, and we have to listen to what they say.
Learning to listen to your body can help you become healthier in a variety of ways.
Our bodies have the ability to tell us when we are full so we can avoid overeating, when we are tired so we know we need to sleep, when we are feeling overwhelmed so we can find a calming moment to help ourselves unwind, and much more.
Most of us might be aware that our bodies do this, but we don’t actually use these signs from our bodies to make changes in our lives.
Learning to listen to your body is an amazing way to have a healthy 2024.
A great way to learn to do this is to practice mindfulness.
If you’re unfamiliar, mindfulness is essentially being present in the moment, and being conscious and aware of everything going on.
For example, say you decide to take a bath for self-care.
Practicing mindfulness during this could look like paying attention to all the details that go into that bath. How does the warm water feel? What does that candle smell like? How do you feel in this very moment? Do you feel relaxed?
Mindfulness is amazing because it helps us really get to know ourselves and our bodies and makes us better at recognizing how we are feeling, physically or mentally, in any moment.
4. Take messy action to achieve your goals
‘Take messy action’ is my motto for this year, and I am so excited about it.
Tell me if this sounds like you- you have goals (physical, mental, business, financial, or whatever else) and you know all or at least some of the steps you need to take to get there, but you haven’t given 100% yet because you are waiting on things to be perfect.
Maybe you’re waiting to feel more prepared or motivated. Maybe you feel you need to learn more skills before you start. Maybe you have an ‘all or nothing’ mindset and don’t feel you’d be giving your all if you started right now.
This has been me for my entire life.
As an example, I’ve spent the past 6-ish years trying to create a successful business of my own. The problem, though, has been that I haven’t been actually taking the right kind of action because I’ve been stuck in the ‘preparation’ stage for 99% of it.
I’ve spent countless hours, days, weeks trying to learn more, prepare more, motivate myself more, because I felt like that’s what I needed to do to get ready to take action.
Looking back, I realize that I’ve wasted so much time, and if I had just jumped in and taken action 6 years ago, my business could be so far along by now.
Whether you’re getting ready to take action for starting a business, or adopting a healthier diet, or starting a new hobby, or trying to make new friends, or whatever it is, let this be the year you take messy action.
Taking messy action means just going for it, whether you feel prepared or not.
Taking messy action means ignoring the excuses in your head and doing the work.
Taking messy action means figuring things out along the way- because you will never be 100% prepared for anything, and if you wait until you are prepared or the time is right, you will never achieve your goals.
Taking messy action means committing to achieving your goals and recognizing that everyone starts somewhere and you will never get where you want to be by standing still.
I read a quote today that said “if you are serious about wanting to change your life, you will find a way. If not, you will make excuses.”
There’s nothing wrong with preparing a little. If your goal is to start a YouTube channel this year, you might need to know how to somewhat stitch together a video and you need to know your niche, but you don’t need a $5,000 camera and you definitely don’t need to be a video editing pro.
Start where you are, take messy action, and figure it out along the way. That’s how you’re going to change your life.
5. Make self-care a regular part of your routine
We’re all about self-care here, and for good reason. Self-care is a crucial part of having a healthy 2024, and a healthy life.
Mental health is just as important as physical health, and just like you would go take medicine if you’re sick, or put ice on your muscles if they were sore, you should take care of your mind too.
Self-care is important because it lets us give our minds time to rest & de-stress.
Make self-care a part of your weekly or, even better, daily routine. Take time each day to focus on you and your needs.
Do you need 15 minutes alone to just clear your mind? Do you need to take a long shower or listen to a podcast or go for a run or binge your favorite TV show? Self-care is different for everyone, but beneficial no matter what.
If you are in need of some self-care ideas, I wrote a post of self-care ideas for busy people, which you can read here.
2024 is going to be an amazing year for you, I know it! I hope that this post gave you some inspiration on goal-setting and motivation to have a healthy & life-changing year.
Let’s make 2024 our best year yet, friend!
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