Visible Wireless advertisements are everywhere these days. The company advertises phone service equal to that of Verizon, but for a muuuuch lower cost per month.
So, is it worth the hype?
If you’re thinking about switching to Visible Wireless, this post is for you. After 1 year of having Visible, I’m giving my honest opinion.
So, let’s get into it.
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What is Visible Wireless?
Visible Wireless is a new-ish phone carrier that prioritizes affordable service. They are owned by Verizon Wireless, and also use the same networks as Verizon. So what’s the difference between Verizon and Visible? Pretty much just the price. We’ll get more into that later.
How do Visible plans differ from other phone carriers’ plans?
Visible works a little bit differently than other major carriers like Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile in a couple of ways. First of all, you pay for the month ahead of you and it’s the same amount every single month. Secondly, instead of having a ‘family plan’ where you pay for your whole family at once, each person has their own plan.
While this seems like it would be somewhat annoying, it ends up being kind of convenient. AND there is an added bonus when it comes to referrals. Visible offers referral codes for all of their users, which means that if you sign up for a phone plan, then someone else in your family can use your referral code to sign up the next month, which gives both them and you $20 off on the next bill. This = savings for all.
How much does Visible cost?
Visible’s pricing is what has made them so popular. As of now, they offer two plans: the Visible plan ($25/month) and the Visible+ plan ($45/month). Both plans offer unlimited data, talk, text, and unlimited hotspot. Here’s a breakdown below as shown on their website:

I have the cheaper of the two plans at $25/month, and can honestly say I’ve never wanted or needed to go up to the higher plan. I feel the download and video speeds have been perfectly fine, and I haven’t noticed any internet or service lags.
Visible also now offers the option to pay annually, which can save you a little money as well.
Even if you were to opt for the pricier plan, you would likely still save money when compared to a traditional phone plan.
Prior to switching to Visible, my husband and I had Verizon, where we were each paying $70/month, plus tax, for the most basic unlimited plan. Switching to Visible is literally saving us over $1,000/year on phone service.
You can look at their pricing options more in-depth here.
How is the quality & speed of Visible’s phone service?
Most people think that with phone service, you get what you pay for. I used to think the same thing. But Visible has proven me wrong on that.
I can honestly say that in the year of being with Visible, I have only noticed an issue one time. And that one time being when I was at a venue full of thousands of people using their phones. I tried to Google something and noticed the person sitting in front of me was getting their internet to load a bit faster than I was.
But like I said, that was in a place full of thousands of people, and that’s not a situation I find myself in often.
Other than that one time, I have never found my internet speeds or service to be any less than they were with Verizon. Even when I’ve been in more rural or rugged areas, I am surprised at the quality of service.
Visible claims their network covers 99% of the population. If you’re curious whether your area is covered, you can check out this interactive map they have online.
Can I bring my own phone?
If you’re switching to Visible, you might be wanting to bring the phone you already have. Luckily, Visible does allow this most of the time. There are phones that may not be approved to bring, but of the several people I know who have switched the Visible, I haven’t heard of anyone’s phone not being accepted.
And if you can’t bring your phone, you can purchase a phone through them, and even use financing through Affirm if needed.
Can I use the same phone number I have now?
Yes! Visible allows you (most of the time) to transfer your phone number! And they make it super easy, too. For example, when I switched to Visible, I just had to type in my phone number, select which phone carrier I was switching from, and they took care of the rest.
Word of advice: if you plan on switching, make sure you write down your account number from your old phone carrier, because once you start making the switch, your old phone carrier account might be immediately closed and you will no longer be able to login. However, you will need that account number to finish setting up your Visible account. I had this happen to me and it was like pulling teeth to find out my Verizon account number. This was 100% a flaw in Verizon’s account system, not Visible’s.
So, is it worth it to switch?
If I haven’t convinced you by now, let me give you my final answer: Visible is 100% worth switching to. I cannot think of a single downside to switching to Visible, especially when you considered the financial savings. The service is the same as what I was getting with a larger carrier, and the pricing is saving my family over $100/month.
Are you ready to switch?
If so, you can get started now through my link below:
Singing up is super simple and they walk you through every step of the process!
And remember- when you sign up, you will get a referral code that you can give to your friends & family that gives both you and them $20 off once they sign up!
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